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The wedding of Ram and Sita was a grand affair. King Janaka was delighted that his daughter was going into the right home, after all. When Ram and Lakshman entered the beautiful hall of Mithila accompanied by Sage Vishwamitra, the entire assembly looked at them in awe.

“Who are these two good looking boys?” Questioned many in the audience.

Despite the very good looks, Ram was also skillful. He was a true Kshatriya. Also, winning Sita wasn’t an easy affair. King Janaka was smart in procuring a husband for his daughter. The strongest contender had to lift the bow of Shiva and string the mystic weapon. Half the Princes in the hall dreaded to even go close to it, leave alone lifting it.

The hero of our epic, Ram not only lifted the bow and while in the process of being strung, the weapon broke into two.  The couple were married with great pomp and show and were returning to Ayodhya along with the family. With the pride of accomplishment of a great task, King Dasharatha headed the retinue with gratification in his heart.

But the chariots came to a screeching halt. The pride on Dasharatha’s face seemed to have vanished and a drop of sweat flowed down to his brow. He looked at his queens in bewilderment and jumped out of his chariot, missing a few steps.

In front of the chariot stood a form, as dark as the night, holding a battle axe on one arm and arrow on the other. His gigantic form made his opponent tremble and his anger struck apocalypse in the hearts of the enemy. His matted locks stirred the fear of destruction in the eyes of the enemy.  “Parashurama,” exclaimed a worried Dasharatha.

He was known as the slayer of Kshatriyas.

Parashurama’s radiance emancipated terror into the hearts of the Kshatriyas for he had slain generations of them. With fear in his heart and a trembling voice, Dasharatha offered water as a customary offering to the guest. After quenching his thirst, he looked at Ram and importuned, “Ram, Son of Dasharatha; The sound that you generated from the mighty bow while in the process of being strung woke me up from my great Tapas. I am indeed surprised that you are strong in terms of power.”

“I have come to test your prowess. Here take this bow and string it if you can,” he said as he held the bow towards Ram.

Dasharatha was quick to respond. “Dear Parashurama, I have heard that your wrath against the Kshatriya race has subsided and that you have decided to live the rest of your life in tapas for the welfare of all races. Ram, my son is a young prince. To challenge a warrior like you may not be suitable at this juncture. Please spare my son for he has not erred and he is very dear to me.”

However, Parashurama looked towards Ram ignoring the persistent request of Dasharatha.

Parashurama’s gaze was now only fixed upon Ram. He implored, “this bow that I hold is that of Vishnu’s.  Vishwakarma created two bows of similar stature and one was in the possession of Lord Shiva and the other was with Lord Vishnu. The bow that you strung and broke into two belonged to Shiva. Here, this belongs to Vishnu, let me see if you can string this too. I have come to test your skill.”

Ram in a courteous tone replied, “Dear sage of such high honors. You are angered by the death of your father. As a result, you have sought revenge on the Kshatriya Kings. But, please remember that you cannot put me down as you have humbled others. Please give me your bow.”

Ram procured the bow and arrow. While he strung the bow and set the arrow to it, he said, “I cannot put the arrow back, but I will have to strike it on something. Please tell me what I can destroy at this juncture?”

Parashurama was bewildered.

Ram said, “Shall I aim it at your locomotive capacity or on the tapas that you have performed so long? But remember that the benefits of your tapas will be destroyed completely.”

Looking at the brilliant form of Ram, Parashurama realized his great mistake. In an instant his arrogance had faded and he stood with a radiant smile in front of the Prince of Ayodhya.

He said, “Ram, you have made me realize who you are. I believe that the incarnation of the Lord himself is standing in front of me. You are the foremost of all men. Let your arrow destroy the benefits of my tapas.”

Saying so, Parashurama circumambulated around the Prince of Ayodhya and retired to the Mahendra mountains for tapas.

4 thoughts on “THE REALIZATION

  • Gayathri

    Beautifully written..

  • Sreenivasan rallapally

    Yet again…another snippet.. brilliant narrative. Thanks for bringing this for us Dr Anitha..

    • Anitha Chakravarthy

      Thank you


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