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Life is a war indeed. Just like how complicated the war of Kurukshetra was, our life is no less. We are battling our war of Kurukshetra every single day as life is an amalgamation of several components. We are like ‘Arjuna’ fighting the war every day. At times, the problems are so easy to sort that we sail the sea of obstacles just like a child’s play. But, most of the times, the obstacles are so large that we cannot penetrate so easily.

So, what do we ponder then?

‘Does God really exist? Does he really care for us?’

This question is almost impossible for us to forget.

Let me tell you, He is listening!


Long ago when the event of Rama Navami was to take place in a small town, Thyagaraja Bhagavatar was invited to conduct the proceedings of the event. Those were the days when there was no readily available transport. Thyagaraja along with two of his disciples carried the idol of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita and journeyed along the dense forest. Night had long dawned and they couldn’t move any further. The great man and his disciples halted with the idols of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita and decided to sleep as they had ahead of them, a very long and exhaustive day.

With the word Rama adoring his lip, Thyagaraja too slept. Sometime in the middle of the night, the disciples were awakened by strange noises. They crawled towards their teacher and informed him that they had sighted thieves.

Unperturbed by such appeal, Thyagaraja said, “What is the worry now? We don’t have anything for them to pick. You may just retire to sleep.”

The disciples weren’t convinced. They probed again, “Sir have you forgotten? We have the idols of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. The idols are dressed with gold and diamonds. They may steal them.”

Yet again Thyagaraja cooly said, “let them steal. Does it belong to any of you? It belongs to Rama. If he wants to protect his things, he will do it himself. Just retire to bed and do not worry about anything.”

Unable to contain the fear any longer the disciples mumbled that the great Thyagaraja was stressed and failed to think suitably.

But what happens next will shock you all….

The thieves ran screaming towards Thyagaraja and fell right at his feet.

“Please stop beating us…Please help us… Who are you pious one? Please tell them to stop attacking us. Please forgive us revered sage. Please..please..”

This commotion woke the disciples up and they ran towards their teacher. Thyagaraja got up from his sleep and said, “Who are you two boys? Why are you begging me? I am just an ordinary man! I cannot save you for I don’t have any physical capabilities.”

‘No..no…’ they said and relentlessly repeated, “they would stop only if you ordered them to,” implored the thief.

“Whom are you talking about? I don’t see anyone. In the middle of the night in this dense forest, what is the matter with you two?” beseeched Thyagaraja.

“Stop the men! Stop the men,” they exclaimed again with tears running like a river.

“Stop whom! I don’t see anyone. In this thick forest, while all animals are resting under the veil of darkness, who is it that you are pointing at? My disciples are right behind you and they are absolutely harmless. I don’t understand whom you are referring to,” said Thyagaraja appearing bewildered.

“Dear sage, they are two men who are very good looking. They carry with them bow and arrows. They look like brothers. Men with broad shoulders, long arms, curly hair and beautiful facial features. We were attracted by their charming looks but they attacked us with the arrows. They didn’t stop even after we begged for forgiveness. The elder brother said, only if the great Thyagaraja forgives you, will we stop this attack on you.”

“Since you look like a great sage, please tell us who this Thyagaraja is.”

“What! What did you just say! Men with bow and arrow?” exclaimed Thyagaraja as he began running towards the palanquin.

The thieves ran behind him expecting that they would finally see their ‘Thyagaraja.’ As soon as he moved the veil of the palanquin, the thieves shuddered in great fear.

“We saw them sage…we saw these two men. It was them who attacked us. See, they carry the same bow and arrow,” revealed the thieves appearing bewildered.

“Oh Rama! Is that you, my lord! Is that you! Did you come to protect us on my informal words? Oh Rama! What have I done to be blessed by this! I fall short of words my lord!” wailed Thyagaraja in excitement.

The beatings had stopped and the thieves realized that the sage was none other than Thyagaraja himself. They bowed to him and bade for forgiveness.

Thyagaraja said, “Who am I to forgive the great ones who are so blessed to see the lord himself. You are so lucky to get a glimpse of him. You have both been able to watch his prowess. How glorified are you both! With years of revered penance great men don’t see him. With no degree of effort, he has showcased his form to you. You are purified beings. It is my duty to bow to you.”

As Thyagaraja fell at the feet of the thieves, they felt a sense of self-realization. And as the morning had dawned, they were transformed into disciples of Rama.

Have you experienced such miracles in life? Have you felt a strong force backing you at times of great crisis? Where did this strength come from?!

Have you often wondered!!!!

Then why do you still wait for an answer?!

Dr Anitha Chakravarthy Sriram

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