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Sura’s daughter Pritha was a beautiful maiden. She was the descendent of the Yadava race. Her bright complexion and dark lustrous hair had gained great appreciation. People commented that she would get a male suitor so easily that she would have a tough time choosing from the many competitors. As Pritha grew up to be a very illustrious child, Sura took pity on his neighboring king Kuntibhoja. The childless ruler suffered in silence that he had no heir. Taking his plead into consideration and opining to Pritha about the sympathizing situation, Sura gave his daughter in adoption to him.

Pritha came to be called Kunthi. She felt no remorse about her father’s act as Kuntibhoja was an excellent parent. He spent enough time in the glorious company of his beautiful daughter. She grew up to be more attractive looking and her youth was filled with enormous energy. The father often discussed matters of finance and politics with his young daughter who was intelligent enough to advise her father on able matters.

It was one such a time when the kingdom of Kuntibhoja was preparing to welcome their guests. Sage Durvasa and his disciples had decided to visit the King. Seeing Kunti so young in years and still managing the entire administration of arranging the best for her guests, the sage was amazed.

He called her near him and said, “Dear daughter of Kuntibhoja, I am amazed at the level of maturity that you procure at this tender age. I wonder who taught you all this? I am impressed by your capability. I will bestow upon you a boon. I will teach you a mantra and when chanted calling upon any God, they will bless you with a son endowed with their quality and capacity.”

Kunti was delighted to hear the words of the sage. One cannot merit it on the will of God or the goodness of youth, Kunti had a strange craving to try out the mantra she was bestowed upon. While she couldn’t resist the desire of it, she chanted the mantra calling upon Surya. In a moment’s time, the mantra had taken its form and she saw in front of her, a divine being with bright effulgence smiling at her. At once she recognized him as Surya. She begged him to leave her alone as she had resorted to an act of foolishness.

Surya said, “Dear Kunti, I am held captive under your mantra. You should have thought wisely before using it. It is indeed known that sage Durvasa is very powerful and his mantra too will have limitless energy.”

Kunti said, “I am unmarried and still dependent on my father for everything. If I lose my virginity, it will lead to unnecessary manipulations. I will never be married and my father will sink into tremendous depression. The world will blame me. Please forgive my act of foolishness.”

Surya implored, “Kunti, I wish I could address your desire. But I am tightly bound under a spell. However, I can assure you that you will get back your virginity after the birth of my child. This way you will not fall prey to the world’s mouth.”

Failing in all her efforts to convince, Kunti had conceived with the son of Surya. She had mothered his son. But how will the society react? She was a queen. The sight of the child paled her. She held him close to her bosom, draped him in a shawl, put him into a basket, and let him afloat in the waters of Ganga.

The son of Surya was born with a divine armor and bright ear rings. He was flawless and effulgent just like his father. Just like Surya had assured Kunti, was a virgin again. A fisherman found the child and took him to his childless wife. He was named Radheya. Many years had passed and Kunti married the King Pandu of Hastinapur. The marriage was duly solemnized and she was escorted to the palace of Hastinapur.

Years later, Radheya challenged the great Arjuna to a duel. While all the elders criticized him that he belonged to a low caste and couldn’t compete with Arjuna, Duryodhana made him the King of Anga. Radheya goes on to become famous as Karna and shows his utmost loyalty to his dear friend Duryodhana. Realizing that he is her own son, Kunti feels ashamed by this act.

During the war of Kurukshetra Kunti extracts an impossible promise from her son Karna to spare her five sons. Well known for his generosity, he promises her that he would spare all the others but not Arjuna.

Karna would have won…. if not for Krishna…..With KRISHNA BY HIS SIDE, Arjuna defeats the supreme warrior.

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