Why Krishna! Why not Krishna! It’s Okay Krishna!

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Why Krishna! Why not Krishna! It’s Okay Krishna!

In the most difficult times of our life, have we realised that help always comes in the most unexpected way? Have we even thanked that help that we have received? Or have we only complained about why god gave us this difficult moment! Has it ever occurred to us that we are forever ‘never’ grateful for what we have?

Even if we probably thought of cursing God for the miseries that we have faced! Have we ever attempted and gone back once to ask for forgiveness? How many of us have actually felt some nuances turned out to only make life better even though it set out to be such a hard beginning? Well, if we want the divine mercy always, how grateful are we to receive it? How many times did we sacrifice to be a part of his divine mercy? Well, in short, are we even entitled to receive such grace?

We derive numerous inspirations in our life. We try to incorporate many, but end up not being able to follow even one. Various reasons one can state, but what is that, that we really lack in not becoming an inspiration to the world, makes me ponder.

I was recently reading about Tyagraja, the renowned composer and the Authority of Carnatic music. If I may say, I was indeed moved by so many incidents while going through his life story. In the end, I learnt that he had one goal and he never swayed from it whatever may be the case. His unconditional surrender to the holy feet of Lord Rama was his only goal. When situations turned extraordinary and even unfavourable towards him, the great man never budged from his love towards Rama. This attitude of surrendering oneself to one’s goal determined success and in his case, ‘One hundred per cent grace of Lord Rama’. Did he just receive it during his lifetime or even post humous!

One day, Sonti Venkatramanayya, the court musician in the Kingdom of Tanjavur who was mesmerised by the compositions of Tyagaraja sang the evergreen “Saamaja Varagamana” in the assembly hall. Whose head wouldn’t sway to such a divine blissful rendition? King Tulaja was euphoric. He sent his soldiers to bring Tyagaraja to sing in his court. Who would receive the direct invite of the King himself except blessed souls like Tyagaraja? But, good will and blessing must be two sided, isn’t it?

The palanquin had arrived in front of Tyagaraja’s humble abode welcoming him to sing in the praise of the King. But, he rejected the offer. He refused any monetary gain that was in store. With clear intention he said that his music was only in the praise of Rama and not intended to be dedicated in the name of others including the King. Only with knowledge and understanding of God comes boldness! Tyagaraja strongly believed in Rama. He focussed his admiration and goal in attaining none but him.

The incident annoyed his brother Jakkesha whose anger now perpetuated towards Lord Rama. He threw Tyagaraja’s worshipable idol of Rama into the Kaveri in fury. His argument was who would deny such a wealthy opportunity? But for Tyagaraja, Rama was his only wealthy opportunity. What Jakkesha never understood was Tyagaraja’s goal. A man without any aim like Jakkesha can only depend on people like Tyagaraja for their living. They aptly have nothing other than pure negativity in their praise- “Spoiling another’s livelihood is their mission”.

Tyagaraja’s hue and cry about the lost idol reached his own Lord Rama. He finally made his appearance in his dream and showed him where he was buried. The time interval between the loss of the idol and Lord Rama’s appearance in his dream was lengthy. If one has to ponder about why Rama didn’t appear soon, the answer is simple and convenient, the lord too wanted to hear many more compositions of Tyagaraja that erupted directly from his heart.

The incident of Lord’s Rama’s appearance in his dream pushed him towards accepting Sanyasatva. After a long period of training students and spreading the wisdom of knowledge and his Keerthanas, he attained the lotus feet of his dearest Lord Rama.

At this juncture, I can only recollect a scholar’s befitting reply to a young girl who had approached him with great pride that she had won an opportunity to sing the Pancharatna Kritis of Tyaraja on stage. She portrayed it like Tyagaraja was blessed because he was going to reach the august audience through her rendition. The scholar chuckled and said, “Oh dear, you don’t have to make Tyagaraja famous anymore, if you think you are sought by the Academy to sing on the stage, it’s only because you can sing Tyagaraja’s Pancharathna Kritis and not otherwise.”
Stop blaming Krishna for everything!

“Goal….Goal…Goal…work towards it… just like Tyagaraja…”

One thought on “Why Krishna! Why not Krishna! It’s Okay Krishna!

  • Vijayaraghavan

    Good article. Doctor if time permits write many more incidents in Thyagaraja’s life time.


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